SfTS V3 Operation: Reports face lift.
For the last few months I, with the help of fellow work colleague Kate Begley , have been working on the writing the reports for the Scrum for Team System V3 process template, which Beta 1 has been released and details are available from http://blogs.conchango.com/sfts/archive/2009/07/28/scrum-for-team-system-v3-beta-programme.aspx . There are a number of changes, from a reporting aspect, that have been introduced into Team Foundation Server 2010 platform and the Scrum for Team System V3 process template like: Warehouse schema changes; only supporting Reporting Services 2008; a sophisticated multi-team support model and new QA model. As a result the reports have been completely rewritten so there is a limited number in this beta release. However I would like to highlight some of the smaller updates that been applied to the reports to help readability / usability of the reports which are as follows: A reporting site folder structure has been created to make browsing the report...