
Showing posts from January, 2016

Database Projects Topologies

I have been working with Visual Studio Database projects starting with Database Professional to its successor SQL Server Data Tools. Within this post I wish to share some of the project topologies that I have used to manage my project databases requirements Before starting I would like to cover the 2 ways that database projects can be referenced.  As these methods play an important part of the projects topologies without having to develop code. External Referencing When adding a database reference and setting the options of database name or, optional, server name with a literal / variable value will configure the reference as external.  This will mean any SQL objects within the reference will need to be referred by using 3/4 part naming.  Also the referenced DACPAC / project will need be to deployed first, separately, before deploying the current project. Composite Referencing Creating a database reference but not setting the database name / server name will confi...