Installing SQL Server 2005 Express with Remote Connections.
I have managed to set-up a SQL Server 2005 Express instance, on a windows-XP machine, with remote connections enable. The actual installation of the SQL Server 2005 express instance was straightforward, but enabling the remote connections was problematic. I found that I was not the only person. In the end I found these steps worked for me: Open up the SQL Server Surface Area Configuration Manager Click on Surface Area configurations for services and connections. Click the remote Connections entry on the tree, select local and remote connections (TCP/IP) . Click OK. Open the SQL Server Configuration Manager Select SQL Server 2005 Network Configuration/Protocols for the instance. Right click TCP/IP, select properties. Click the IP Addresses tab, change the Enable flag on the IP addresses to YES. In the IPAll section, copy the port value of the TCP Dynamic Ports to the TCP Port. Clear the TCP Dynamic Port value. Click Okay. Open up Control Panel/Firewall. Click Exception...