Installing SQL Server 2005 Express with Remote Connections.

I have managed to set-up a SQL Server 2005 Express instance, on a windows-XP machine, with remote connections enable. The actual installation of the SQL Server 2005 express instance was straightforward, but enabling the remote connections was problematic.
I found that I was not the only person. In the end I found these steps worked for me:
  • Open up the SQL Server Surface Area Configuration Manager
    • Click on Surface Area configurations for services and connections.
    • Click the remote Connections entry on the tree, select local and remote connections (TCP/IP) . Click OK.
  • Open the SQL Server Configuration Manager
    • Select SQL Server 2005 Network Configuration/Protocols for the instance.
      Right click TCP/IP, select properties.
    • Click the IP Addresses tab, change the Enable flag on the IP addresses to YES.
    • In the IPAll section, copy the port value of the TCP Dynamic Ports to the TCP Port.
    • Clear the TCP Dynamic Port value.
    • Click Okay.
  • Open up Control Panel/Firewall.
    • Click Exceptions tab.
    • Click add port button.
    • Enter the TCP port number specified in the IPAll/TCP Port section above.
  • Restart the SQL Server Service instance.
  • Restart the SQL Server Browser Service.


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