The Scrum for Team System report slide show tool

As I have mention in another blog posts; I’ve been heavily involved in the Scrum for Team System process template since the start of version 2 and to coincide with the release of version 2.2; I would like bring your attention to a new tool, which I help to developed, that has been added to this release.

I started creating this tool due to some feedback we got from our beta users for “TaskBoard for Team system” tool. The request was to add a demonstration mode into the application which would show things like swimming lane-view and the following reports: Sprint burndown chart; Sprint cumulative flow as these can be view within the application.

The reason for the request was create the sense of: "Look guys, this is what we are working on, and this is how we are doing", throughout the day, not only during the scrum meetings. This also happen a lot within our projects which they do something similar as well. Another reason for the tool to separate from the Task Board application was to avoid polluting what the Task Board application was suppose to do.

So a new page was added to ScrumforTeamSystem virtual folder called: ReportSlideShow. This will allow a selection of team system project(s) reports to be display by their parameters default values. However the reports don’t have to be scrum for team system only reports there is one caveat: all reports have to exist in all requested display projects.

The report that are which are display is control by configuration file. To see how to figure which reports are display please use the Report Slide User Guide Post from the Scrum for Team System site

New Reporting Features available in Scrum for Team System v2.2

Build Reports added to Scrum for Team System v2.2

The Scrum for Team System report slide show tool

Scrum for Team System Version 2.2 support for SQL Server 2008


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