How To: Emailing the Sprint Burndown report

The Scrum for Team System process template includes reports to help manage the progress of project.  The onus is on the team to run - by opening them - and review them.  This is the default behaviour of the Team Foundation Server which our process template built against, however as the Team Foundation Server platform uses SQL Server Reporting Services for its reporting software, the reports can actually be pushed out to the teams via e-mail. 

I have mentioned how to do this for version 2.x, and for version 1.x the same steps can be applied, with the following post:  How to E-mail the Sprint Burndown Chart to yourself or your team.

For version 3.0 (For which beta 2 is now available for download from the following link: ) things are a little different.

Firstly, if not already configured, the Reporting Services server will need to will need to be set up to point to an SMTP server. This can be done by using the Reporting Services configuration tool and updating the e-mail settings within this tool.   You can find this tool on your TFS report server under the following: Start Menu > Programs > Microsoft SQL Server 2008 > Configuration Tools > Reporting Services Configuration Manager


To create the subscription you need to use the Report Manager (to gain access to this you can right mouse click on the report folder within the team explorer):


Once the report manager has loaded at the root folder, for your team project report folder, with a list of reports and folders. Then click on the Sprint Burndown report to view the report. After the report has rendered select the subscriptions tab, when the page has loaded, click on New Subscriptions.

Then complete the necessary details on how and when the report should be delivered.  If your team project has only one work stream then all the report parameters can bet set to use the report defaults.  Otherwise set the value of the release and workstream parameter that you require and the remaining parameters can be left set to use the report defaults:


When there is only one work stream the report can work out the release and work stream and then current sprint.  When there is multiple work streams by default the report will get the current release but then default to the first work stream and work out the current sprint for the work stream.  To get the sprint burndown for the other work streams repeat the steps to create a new subscription and select the required release and work stream.  After the release has finished the subscription for the multiple work streams, it will need to be updated to the next release and work streams.


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